The SHTF we all prep for is what folks 150 years ago called daily life: electrical power, no refrigerators, no Internet, no computers, no TV, no hyperactive law enforcement, and no Safeway or Walmart. They got things done or else we wouldn't be here! In the next 7 minutes, Claude will unearth a long-forgotten secret that helped our ancestors survive famines, wars, economic crises, diseases, droughts, and anything else life threw at them... a secret that will help you do the same for your loved ones when America crumbles into the ground. CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO WATCH A SHORT VIDEO

Abundance Or Lack - That is the Question

The first time  you saw the title, did you assume this  was about accumulation of  money? Many people in the society  today associate abundance, wealth and prosperity with the financial side of life but it's much more than that. We're going to look at your own abundance, define the types of abundance and work out how you can feel more abundant across your whole life

In the CIRCUIT OF SUCCESS-(The Amazing Secret Key to Abundance)  I explained what abundance is, how to attract abundance and how to live in abundance.

People around the world are in search of one secret that could change their lives. They want to find that magic missing secret. Many have travelled from place to place in search of this one secret. They believe, if they have it, it will provide them with all their wants and needs. Even, many have come to believe that the secret of abundance is “supernatural”. They might be right or wrong. But, before you conclude that, you will want to ask...“what is the true meaning of abundance?”

First you need to know that an abundant life does not really mean that you have all the money in the world. No! To live an abundant life, you need three things and they are what made up an abundant life.

These three things are: good health, money and good relationships. Some group of people or people may disagree with this fact and tell you that the secret to an abundant life is acquiring “money”. This is simply not true.

Before your argument about this, think of it this way, if you had billions of dollars, even more money than you could ever spend but your health was so poor and in danger that you only had numbered days to live or your health condition became so poor that all you could do was lay in your sick bed and stare at the ceiling...what good is the money? Is that the meaning of abundance you seek?

I told you a true life story of David  in CIRCUIT OF SUCCESS.

Lets look at it again

David Louis was a very young man whom his desperate for the meaning of that one secret (secret of abundance) navigated to riches. He became very rich that he had companies in different continents of the world. David L. had a family of two boys and one girl with his charming, caring wife. To David he has found the true meaning of “abundance”. Just ten years of living in “his abundance”, David was diagnosed of pancreatic cancer. David’s doctor told him that he had only sixteen weeks (2688 hours) to live on earth. David was taken to different top hospitals in the world with no cure for his disease. David kept shedding tears all days watching his pretty kids and charming wife Jessey. With all the money David has, still there was no joy in his life any longer because of his health condition. Yes David found abundance in “money”. But is that the true meaning of “abundant life”?

However, if you are healthy and wealthy but alone and have no one to share your life with, what well is it to be healthy and wealthy?

I also told  you a story about a young and “successful” lawyer, Barr. Jerry. After graduating from high school. Jerry came across a “Temple” that showed him what he thought was an abundant life. Unarguably, Jerry became one of the best lawyers amongst all jury. Every one respects him; Jerry never failed in any law case. He became so prosperous and famous. Jerry has become a man; he needs a family of his own to enjoy the money with. Barr. Jerry’s first wife died just 2 months after their wedding on air crash. Two years after the death of his wife, Jerry got married to his second wife Mitchelle. Things were moving fine. Mitchelle became pregnant. At her seventh month of pregnancy, on their way back from dinner on one evening night out. There was a robbery incident on the other side of the road. According to Jerry; all he saw was a pull of blood from Mitchelle’s left chest. He watched Mitchelle gave her last breathe in his arms before his very eyes. No one could believe Jerry’s innocence for his wife’s death. Every member of his family no longer wants to see him. Even Jerry’s friends, everyone now believe him to be a murderer. Jerry, a respected lawyer who never loses any case has been convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, and yet no one to come and set him free. With all his money and good health, still no happiness in Barr. Jerry’s life. Is that abundant life?

You need to have all three components of abundance fulfilled to live abundant life. You need the secret code that unlocks abundance so that you are healthy, you have a relationship that gives life a happy meaning, and you have the money you required for a meaningful living. You need The Amazing Secret Key to Abundance to unlock your door to success.

The real secret of abundance is in your thoughts and emotions. It is very simple to live that abundant life since it’s your thought and emotion that fixes your life. They have the all power to influence and bring what you want in life as well as keep you hold or worsen your current life.

Some people may shake their heads in disagreement “This is not true” they’ll say. If it was your thought and emotions that determine these secrete of abundance, then everyone would be living a life of abundance. This is correct! But ask yourself this one question: if everyone has such power to create an abundant life, then why is it not happening for everyone, everywhere? The truth is that, they all centre on one fundamental stand. Most people would rather live as they are and complain about it all their life rather than trying to live abundant life.

I have never come across an achiever who became that by complaining. Napoleon Hill did not sit down in his couch and complain about his lack. Donald Trump never felt sorry for his condition. What about Bill Gates? He never doubted he would be a billionaire. This people have one thing in common. They both knew what they wanted; they never doubted their power to make it so. Their mind were set upon an abundant life and through the power of their own thoughts and emotions, they became the master of their own life.

The fact that the secret is so simple shouldn’t be a reason for you not to believe its efficacy, look around you all that exist today was someone’s thought sometimes ago. The car, the house you live in, the clothes you wear, the books you read even the one you are reading now. Even nature itself was God’s thought some time ago. In Genesis God said “Let there be light, dry land, plants, Animals…” these would never have been possible if God himself never held how they were going to look in his thought. The space craft, the toy your child plays with, the internet, the computers, all started off as a thought in someone’s life.

What does this mean? It means that; you can start right now to create the life you desire by the power of your own thought. First you need to determine and decide what you want. You must be specific in this. You have to write it down now. When you determine what you want, then look around you and be grateful for what you are already and have now. What you have now may not be perfect; it may not even exactly be what you want right now. Know it; if you do not appreciate what you already have, you can never have what you want.

Having determine and decide what you want of life, then, permit that thought to overcome you as it burns deeply in your heart, soul and mind. Become excited about it becoming a reality and then allow your emotion to empower that thought. Allow your thought to send an overwhelming message into the universe. You need to have a strong faith... that is, you have to believe in what you want and that; it is coming to you. Believe me, nothing happens by accident, there is always a cause. You will have to learn and do what is required to make what you want become a reality.

Hidden inside your mind, thoughts and emotions, lies the secret of abundance, change the way you think and feel about abundance, you create abundance.

Most of us know what we want, yet attracting abundance seems difficult or impossible. We want good living, perfect jobs, good cars, great houses, that perfect relationship, that good income plan, and then why is it that most of us try and fail? It is not that we don’t have the skills or abilities that those who seem to get these things effortlessly do. No! It is just that we don’t know the secret behind attracting abundance and how to make it a reality in our life.
Our success in all areas of life is very much affected by what we believe we deserve, but mostly by what we believe we can achieve

Now, why am I so sure of this secret behind attracting abundance? How can you be sure it works? Yes, it works. I have seen it work, I have read it work. I have watched it work. I have heard it work. It works everywhere. You just have only to try it, and keep on trying it and see it being true for you. It is not true because I say so, nor because anyone else says so; it is just true. It is called “The Universal Law of Attraction”, Humanitarian call it the “Law of service”, Theosophists call it the “Law of Karma”, business men call it the “Law of Common Sense”, Jesus Christ called it the “Law of Love”.
Attracting abundance (supply), means using the power in you to attract what you want into your life from your conscious, subconscious and super conscious mind. It means telling the universe that you are worth your dreams, and you are worth having them becoming a reality in your life.
Our maker created a powerful engine in us, and with the proper use of this engine, we can get all we want in life. This engine that is capable of giving us all we want in life is our thought. Our thoughts have a very strong power, that reflects our want and desire, self...esteem, everything; they directly influence what we attract into our lives. If you are self...loathing and sitting down, how easy do you think attracting abundance will be?
However, if you believe in the power of your thought and learn how to use that power of your thought, your life will overflow with abundance.
Abundance manifestation is not a special ability that is reserved for some group of people; every one of us has the ability to do this, and you can do it. You just have to believe it works. If you choose to take control of your own thoughts and ask the Universal Mind for guidance in using the law of attraction with your thought, self...meditations and self...relating are the paths to learning just what those desires are, and if you can do that, you can discover what you really want.
One thing you should know is that the Universal Mind tends to act very quickly. You shouldn’t be surprised if once you change your belief about attraction of abundance, how possible it is that it starts coming quickly. You’ll begin to see obstacles and stumbling blocks simply disappear.
You need to realize it is you who creates the life you live. Then you need to know that the power is within you to make a change. You can begin right now to manifest abundance in your life. You simply need to exchange your way of thinking. The most powerful things you have are your thoughts. You create the life you want by the way you think and what you think. If you keep thinking of unpaid debts. You create more debts. When you spend more time thinking and worrying about lack of money, you will only create more lack of money.  If you only focus on the bad and foul things in your relationships, you only create more problems within the relationship.
What you need to do is start thinking about everything positively in your life. Don’t worry if you don’t feel comfortable with it at the first time, just continue doing it, soon you will become used to it. This is the key to manifestation of abundance.
          Being able to tap into our own mind and thoughts and grab our own senses becomes a lifestyle, not just the occasional endeavor, we are all able to develop our mind and thoughts the way we want to but it does require a certain degree of chronic discipline. If it was an overnight process, we would all be able to think our life into abundance.

 Start Giving to Receive Abundance of Nature

Look at the world, your local community and your neighbors. What do they need that you can give? Even if it's something small, knowing that you can help others can put things into perspective and make you realize what's most important to you. You could volunteer your time in the children's ward at your local hospital, visit with the elderly in nursing homes and listen to their stories, make a meal for your sick neighbor, donate a few dollars a week or month to causes close to your heart and so on. This act works on the universal law that what you send out comes back to you. Give of yourself and the world will give back to you.
There is no reason that you should not have abundance flow to you. The universe is waiting for you to allow it to give to you, so open up your mind and heart and see what can happen!


About Thaddeus -

Thaddeus Igbokwe is a successful Entrepreneur, Professional Speaker, Author and Success Expert. Thaddeus’s goal is to help you achieve your personal goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. He speaks to corporate and public audiences on the subjects of Personal and Professional Development. His exciting talks and seminars on Leadership, Selling, Self-Esteem, Goals, Strategy, Creativity and Success bring about immediate changes and long-term results. Apart from being an entrepreneur and author, Thaddeus is a philanthropist who love helping the human kind.

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