Success in never a coincidence as many still think. Unlike most forms of therapy that seek to understand the reasons why we feel bad or why something is not working for us, Here I talk of what factor that matters most in the process of pursuing success . After studying countless studies and models, I have come to realize that success in practically anything in life can be crystallized on these little 3 steps
Your Plan
of Action
Never expect
magic to happen. You cannot sit down waiting for something to happen. You have
a dream. Yes, but the truth is that you
cannot sit down waiting for things to happen by themselves. You need to create
a plan of action; here is how:
Define clearly your mission, your
vision, and your WHY.
Know exactly where you are now and
where you are going.
Know your strengths and your weaknesses.
Create a dream board to help you keep
it all alive in your mind (you can see how by reading my CIRCUITR OF SUCCESS to
understand exactly how to do this).
Set dates for each task; this will
compel you to action.
Create a mission statement for
the next three to five years.
Prepare a vision statement to
show how big your dream is or how far it can reach.
Create the why statement to describes
what motivates you toward your dream.
Begin to Take Steady Actions
There is
power in taking action; you’ve heard that so many time but still you’ve done
nothing. You cannot just sit and wait for things to happen...
you must take daily actions in accordance with your action plan. You may need
to get up early, shut down your movies, Television or whatever other luxuries,
in order to carry on your action plan. An action plan that is followed day by
day and week by week throughout the year will surely take you all the way to
become a success in life.
Your Attitude is the Ultimate
This is a
call to cultivate your character. A successful person is joyful, forgiven,
loving, helpful, confident, but losers are weak, resentful and does not know
how to control their anger.
Winners are
always optimistic and full of faith; a winner does not let emotions control
their decisions, but face any situation with calm and confidence. If you
cultivate a positive character your heart and mind will always be in harmony
and productivity will increase.